1-)If He did not wanted to give, He would not give the feeling of wanting.
2-)Oppressive passes away with his dignity, oppressed passes away with his abasement. It means that it’s all left for the Day of Judgement.
3-)The feeling of hunger indicates that there is food. The desire to always remain young and live eternally indicates the existence of hereafter.
4-)An unsatisfactory feast that has no continuity and from which you are suddenly expelled does not result in love but in enmity. Allah is no such feast owner.
5-)The human memory, that records his entire life to the tiniest detail, does not record it all only to disappear for the sake of this worldly life. This terrific recording device must surely have something to do with eternity.
6-)Our life is the life of our soul, and the soul is definitely eternal. Disintegrating and dissolving is in the nature of complex and polysynthetic things. The soul is tougher and plainer than diamond.
7-)Just as a university graduate cannot be given a primary school diploma, the human soul, which is the God’s most magnificent and highest level creature in this world, will reach an even higher level when it graduates from the school of this world.
8-)If there is world, then there is Allah. If there is Allah, then there is afterlife.